Tuesday 17 June 2014

Spells, Rituals & Other Spiritual Tools in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

The Apothecarius

Welcome to The Apothecarius! Spells, rituals, candles, gris gris bags and more are available here. Ordering is easy, just click on any of the images below for a full product description, pricing and to order. Thank you for visiting and check back from time to time as new products are introduced.

Spells, Rituals & Other Spiritual Tools

  • Gris Gris Bags - James Duvalier

    Gris Gris Bags

  • Chinese Spirit Bowl - James Duvalier

    Chinese Spirit Bowl

  • Spell for fast luck - Damballah - James Duvalier

    Fast Luck Spell in Money & Love

  • Basic Love Spell - James Duvalier

    Basic Love Spell

  • Voodoo Power Beads - James Duvalier

    Voodoo Power Beads

  • James Duvalier Maman Briegette Product

    The Power of Maman Brigitte

  • Faerie Magic - James Duvalier Services

    Faerie Magic

  • Saint Anne - Anaisa Pye Spell - James Duvalier Service

    Anaisa Pye Love Spell

  • Complete Spiritual Cleansing - James Duvalier

    Spiritual Cleansing

  • Revenge on an Enemy or Revocation Spell - James Duvalier

    Revenge on an Enemy or Revocation Spell

  • Full Scale Voodoo Ceremony - James Duvalier

    Full Scale Voodoo Ceremony

  • Fast Breakup Spell - James Duvalier

    Voodoo Breakup Spell

  • Saint Expedite The Miracle Worker Service to Saint Expedite - James Duvalier

    The New Orleans Miracle Worker Service to Saint Expedite

  • Papa Legba Service - James Duvalier

    Papa Legba Service

  • Custom Spell for Any Needs - James Duvalier

    Custom Spells for All Needs

  • Basic Money Spell - James Duvalier

    Basic Money Spell

  • spell-emotional-healing-button

    Love, Strength and Emotional Healing Spell

  • consecrated candles - james duvalier

    Consecrated Candles

  • Service to Ogun - James Duvalier

    Service to Ogun for a New Job & Money

  • Service to Maitresse Erzulie Freda - James Duvalier

    Service to Erzulie Freda

  • sending the dead ceremony envoye mo - james duvalier

    Envoye Mo – Sending the Dead

  • James Duvalier Gypsy Blessing

    Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing for Wealth, Luck and Love

  • Maneki Neko Money Magic - James Duvalier

    Maneki Neko Money Magic

  • Service to Orisha Ochun Our Lady of Charity - James Duvalier

    Service to Ochun for Love & Money

  • Money Magic Despacho Doll - James Duvalier

    Money Magic Despacho Dolls

  • herbal-baths-herbal-washes-james-duvalier

    Herbal Baths and Floor Washes

  • Service Seven Unquiet Spirits - James Duvalier

    Service of the Seven Unquiet Spirits

  • Mange Mo Spirit Feast Voodoo Food Offerings - James Duvalier

    The “Mange MO” Spirit Feast

  • Despacho Love Magic - James Duvalier

CHINESE SPIRIT BOWL, WEALTH & ABUNDANCE in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

Chinese Spirit Bowl – Having proven tremendously successful, the Chinese Spirit Bowl Service is a means of seeking wealth and obtaining favors from the spirit world. A red papier mache spirit bowl is created and filled with Chinese spirit money and burnt as an offering to the spirits to obtain whatever favor you seek. Tell me what you would like to obtain and I will do the rest!
Chinese Spirit Bowl - James Duvalier 

Reverence for the ancestors is a belief found in both Voodoo and traditional Chinese religion.

contact-> aghori baba ji call +91-8130703797
Email:- aghori5@yahoo.com

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DAMBALA, FAST LUCK SPELL, LOVE, MONEY in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

Spell for Fast Luck in Money & Love – This fast luck spell, designed under the patronage of the Voodoo spirit Dambala, is literally the blockbuster cure-all spell to fix tedious and frustrating situations. If it seems that things are stagnating, Dambala along with my spirits will work on your behalf to break through whatever is holding you back from achieving love, wealth and happiness!
Fast Luck Spell - James Duvalier 

Breakthrough whatever is holding you back with the help of Dambala!

contact-> aghori baba ji call +91-8130703797
Email:- aghori5@yahoo.com

For More Information Visit Our other Website:-






Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing for Wealth, Luck and Love in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing for Wealth, Luck and Love – I am excited to bring to you a new service that I have recently learned and tried with amazing success! A powerful traditional cleansing and blessing. It’s more than a cleansing. In reality, it’s a mild form of exorcism where all that you don’t want is banished from your life. With this ceremony you truly stop being a victim and take charge of your own destiny. It is important to let me know if there are any specific influences or elements you would like removed from your life and I can personalize the work to meet your needs. Open the door to peace, love and prosperity in your life!
Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing:  James Duvalier - Vintage Gypsy Fortune Teller Image

Maneki Neko Money Magic in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

 Maneki Neko Money Magic – Maneki Neko, revered throughout the ages, is a magic money drawing cat from Japanese folklore. I am happy to have Maneki Neko working along side my spirits and saints. The service invokes her help in financial matters through offerings of milk, cat nip and cat toys. I have had nothing but success! Order this service and let this little kitty bring wealth into your life!
Maneki Neko Money Magic - James Duvalier  

I am happy to have Maneki Neko working alongside my spirits and saints.

The Loas (Lwas) we invoke in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

The Lwas / Papa Legba

Papa Legba

All ceremonies begin and end with Papa Legba, and there can be no communication with any of the other Lwa without consulting him first. His gift for linguistics enables him to translate the requests of humans into the languages of the spirits and Lwas.
He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits. He is the Lwa that opens and closes the doorway.
An old man who walks with a cane, he limps because half of his body resides with the living while the other with the dead. He does not expect much. A Rada Lwa, a bit of a trickster.
Erzulie dantor

Erzulie Dantor

She is the Vodou goddess of love, romance, jealousy, passion, & sex. Erzulie Dantor is the patron lwa of lesbian women. Erzulie Dantor offers to you protection and possibilities beyond the imagination.
If you request her to help you handle a situation with an abusive partner be ready for her idea of justice as she can be fierce and protective.
A firm but loving Mother Erzulie Dantor is a large, dark skinned woman with scars on her cheeks & her tongue has been cut out from her mouth.
Left: Erzulie dantor’s Veve – ritual red heart knife stabbing through it
Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi

Part of the family spirits known as the Ghede. As well as being the master of death, he is also the giver of life.
He can cure any of the human sicknesses or wound if he chooses too. It depends on whether or not he thinks the person is worthy.
If he does not dig your grave you will live. Baron known for his outrageous behavior, the drinking, swearing and dirty jokes keeping a cigar in his mouth most of the time.
Left: Baron Samedi Top hat, cane, Cigar in mouth
Erzulie Freda

Erzulie Freda

Is the Vodou Goddess of love and beauty. Erzulie Freda is a Rada Lwa and she represents romantic love, sweetness, and luxury.
Offerings of jewelry, perfume, clors of pink & white. Never place Erzulie Freda with a Petro Lwa or by her sister Erzulie dantor as she will not be happy.
Left: Erzulie Freda heart shape Veve pink and white pretty
La Sirene

La Sirene

Wife of Agwe she is the queen of the Seas. She owns all of the riches of the sea.
Very beautiful described as a mermaid, milano woman, with long dark hair. She can bring you great wealth, beauty & a beautiful voice. If not served well she will take it all away. She is a Rada Lwa with a Petro aspect.
Left:La Sirene dark hair, muletto skin, mermaid, queen of the sea, beautiful, rich.

What is a Veve or Vévé?

A Veve or Vévé is a religious symbol commonly used in Haitian Vodou. In ritual a Veve is usually drawn on the floor by strewing a powder-like substance, commonly cornmeal.  You can make the Veve to put on the Altar for the Lwa you work with just to honor them.
You could make it with stitching on there colored fabric, make a drawing, a painting, decorate a special glass to place on his/her Altar or any other creative way you may wish. Remember that if you do make the Veve for the Altar the tools you use must be dedicated for the purpose of doing things only for that specific Lwa. They demand respect & Petro Lwa (regarded as the “hot” Lwas) have a zero tolerance
Left To Right: Vévés of Baron Samedi, Ogou Feray, Damballah & Marassa

Japanese Love Spell in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,      

Another easy to cast love spell:
Copy the Japanese love symbol below onto a piece of paper three times (lucky Japanese love number). Next, write your love wish on your paper, your name and the name of the one you desire. Fold your paper in half and kiss it, fold it a second time and kiss it again. Finally, fold your paper up one last time and hold it in your left hand as whisper the name of the one you love. Hide your love spell paper somewhere safe until your love wish comes true.
love spell using a symbol
Love Spells
contact-> aghori baba ji call +91-8130703797
Email:- aghori5@yahoo.com

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