Tuesday 17 June 2014

Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing for Wealth, Luck and Love in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Kawasaki, Saitama, Hiroshima, Sendai, Kitakyushu,

Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing for Wealth, Luck and Love – I am excited to bring to you a new service that I have recently learned and tried with amazing success! A powerful traditional cleansing and blessing. It’s more than a cleansing. In reality, it’s a mild form of exorcism where all that you don’t want is banished from your life. With this ceremony you truly stop being a victim and take charge of your own destiny. It is important to let me know if there are any specific influences or elements you would like removed from your life and I can personalize the work to meet your needs. Open the door to peace, love and prosperity in your life!
Gypsy Cleansing and Blessing:  James Duvalier - Vintage Gypsy Fortune Teller Image

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